The Exceptional Adventures staff welcomes all kinds of guests at their social events and on their amazing trips. The outings for persons with disabilities are enjoyed by new and veteran travelers alike.
Leland certainly fits into that “veteran” category; he’s been traveling with Exceptional Adventures since 1994.
“He loves the trips,” said Leland’s mother, Rose. “Leland loves being around people and Exceptional Adventures has helped him to be more social.”
Leland lives in a Citizen Care community living residence and he and his roommate sometimes travel together.
Canada, Mexico, Punta Cana, Dollywood, amusement parks, dances and Steelers games in Chicago and Florida are just some of the places Leland has been. “He also loves trains. He loves to go everywhere,” explained Rose.
Rose describes Leland as very courteous and helpful. In fact, he has even done volunteer work.
“His Exceptional Adventures experiences have help him to be more understanding of other people.”
Exceptional Adventures loves providing unforgettable experiences, but to know we contribute to a person’s improved quality of life is priceless.
In the meantime, Leland will keep on traveling and making new memories. According to Rose, “He never could have done all of this without Exceptional Adventures.”